Wind in the Willows, an original adaptation by Todd Espeland, based on the novel by Kenneth Grahame, premiered on October 4, 2019 at the Parkview Physicians Group ArtsLab Theatre at Arts Campus Fort Wayne.
“Take the adventure, heed the call” and come join Loyal Mole, Cultured Ratty, Gruff Mr. Badger and Impulsive Mr. Toad in the Wild Woods as Youtheatre premieres our adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s classic novel. This exhilarating story takes our four friends from the Wild Wood to the Wide World as they boat on the river, join Mr. Toad on a crazy motor car chase that lands him in jail and fight to save Toad Hall from evil weasels.
Directed By: Todd Espeland
Click the Links Below:
Wind in the Willows - Study Guide
Wind in the Willows - Program