If you love storytelling, creating, teaching and inspiring, you'll love working at Youtheatre!
We are always looking for passionate directors, designers, and teaching artists.
Available Job Opportunities
Fort Wayne Youtheatre does not have any available employment opportunities at this time.
Youtheatre's internship program is an exciting opportunity to gain hands-on experience in teaching classes/camps, administrative duties, and producing shows (sets, costumes, stage management, etc.)
High School Interns:
Seeking 2-3 High School Interns for our 2024-2025 Season (Fall & Spring Semesters).
Flexible schedule based on classes & time available.
While High School Internships are unpaid, they can qualify for high school credit
Interns will help in various areas of the theatre, however we will do our best to tailor internships to specific interests
To apply, please email Christopher J. Murphy at murphy@fortwayneyoutheatre.org.